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The Identity Diary

The Identity Diary is a personalized, visual map of one’s beliefs and attitudes throughout their undergraduate years at NYU Abu Dhabi. Every participant of the WeAreNYUAD will receive their Identity Diary following the completion of the final survey at graduation. It consists of a series of graphs that tracks how each individual’s values and opinions change (or do not change) during college. Some variables in the survey include how strongly you identify as a part of the global community, how important religion is to your life, and how you perceive the quality of your mental health. 


All our participants' names are replaced with randomly generated IDs to ensure their anonymity from the moment they receive the survey. We use an automated process in Python that takes each participant’s dataset and turns it into a group of visual graphs, each of which is made available to them through their anonymous ID.


*Please note that the Identity Diary above is fictional — we did not use Participant 1043’s actual data, but rather plugged in random numbers to create this graph.

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